In February, MVEDA announced the “Mi Vida… What I love about my life in the Mesilla Valley” video and photography contest. Over 140 photographs were submitted for judging and during the July 1, 2014 Business in the Borderplex forum, the winners were announced.

Photo by Charles Dube
The first place winner is Charles Dube for his colorful photo of some of the area’s local talent. Charles is a graduate of Las Cruces High and New Mexico State University. He served 25 years in the United States Army and after retiring from the Army, had a second career an administrator in the Kansas City Metropolitan Community College system. He retired again last year and moved back to Las Cruces. He studied at the Kansas City Art Institute and photography is his main hobby in retirement.
He has always especially embraced the multicultural aspect of life in this area, finding it provides for a rich and diverse fabric of art, cuisine, and experience… and an endless array for expression through visual arts. Three of his photographs will appear at the Main Street Gallery in an exhibition entitled “Streets of Las Cruces,” opening July 4th, 5-7 pm

Photo by Pam Najera
The second place winner is Pam Najera for her great shot of the Organ Mountains. Pam has been a Las Cruces resident for over 40 years, graduating from Mayfield High before entering Business College. She says the thing she loves the most about living here is the majestic mountains as illustrated by her submission.
She also likes the fact that no matter what mood her family is in, they can go to the beach (White Sands), the mountains (Cloudcroft or Ruidoso) or the lake (Elephant Butte) in just a matter of a couple of hours. She says no matter where they travel, once those mountains are within view, they’re home.

Photo by Ozy Villanueva
The third place winner is Oziel (Ozy) Villanueva for his striking landscape. Ozy is 16 years of age and lives with his mother, Zully Villanueva, his brother Irving Villanueva, and his 2 cats, Marilyn and Maynard. He and his family came to Las Cruces and the Mesilla Valley 10 years ago so that his mother could continue her education at NMSU. Ozy currently attends Arrowhead Park Early College High School where he takes dual credit classes, anticipating graduation in 2016.
Things he and his family enjoy about Las Cruces and the Mesilla Valley are the food, culture, history, weather and activities occurring in Las Cruces and the Mesilla Valley. He plans on enjoying and continuing his education in the city of Las Cruces, the place he proudly calls home, so that he can attend medical school.