Space Week in New Mexico
Release courtesy of the New Mexico Space Grant Consortium
New Mexico Space Grant Consortium will host the fifth annual FREE ISPCS Public Forum (previously named the Leonard R. Sugerman Public Forum) on Tuesday, October 19th, 1:30-3:00 at the Pan American Center on the campus of New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Discover how the future of commercial spaceflight will impact our community. The mayor of Titusville Florida will present on what happened when NASA came to town. Local mayors will discuss what preparations they are making as Spaceport America becomes operational. Speakers include:
- John Hummer, moderator, CCIM, Owner/Broker, Steinborn TCN Commercial Real Estate
- Mayor Tulley from Titusville Florida
- Las Cruces Mayor Miyagishima
- Truth or Consequences Mayor Montgomery
- Hatch Mayor Nordyke
You are welcome to also attend the public forum 12:00 – 1:15 focused for university students and faculty. Speakers include:
- Pat Hynes, New Mexico Space Grant Consortium Director
- Clay Anderson, NASA Astronaut, STS-117, STS-131, ISS
- George Whitesides, Chief Executive Officer, Virgin Galactic
- Aaron Prescott, Commercial Division Director, Spaceport America
- Mark Severance, International Space Station Laboratory, Education Projects Manager
- Doug Weathers, NMSU student, Student Launch Program
- Ivan Ferrell, NMSU student, Microgravity Program
- Selene Virk, NMSU student, Transcriptomic Profile of the Inner Ear Vestibular Organs
Come join us as we discuss preparing for this exciting industry in southern New Mexico!
On Wednesday and Thursday, October 20-21 the International Symposium for Personal and Commercial Spaceflight will be held at the New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum. For more information or to register for the symposium go to http://www.ispcs.com