Photo courtesy of Davin Lopez
New Mexico Governor Susana Martinez and Economic Development Secretary Designee Jon Barela were warmly welcomed by Alaska Structures (AKS) as the Governor and the Secretary toured the facility and addressed the employees. In 2010, Alaska Structures expanded from approximately 70,000 sq. ft. of space to over 250,000 sq. ft. of space at the City of Las Cruces West Mesa Industrial Park, occupying both the former REA Magnet Wire building as well as the former Parkview Metals building. Since their expansion they have grown from approximately 170 employees to over 300.

Photo courtesy of Davin Lopez
Addressing the employees, the Governor expressed her commitment to getting all New Mexicans who want to work the opportunity to work and that economic development was a primary goal of her administration. “This is definitely a company we want to brag about!” commented the Governor. Commenting to the Governor, Davin Lopez stated “Just a year ago this facility was vacant. Now you walk through it and it’s bustling with employees back in the work force. Alaska Structures is truly a success story for Las Cruces.”
AKS designs, engineers and delivers survivable fabric building systems for extreme environments. Since 1975, AKS products have been used for nearly every building application in every part of the world: United Nations’ disaster relief facilities, military housing facilities, aviation hangars, convention centers, medical complexes, warehouses, mining and manufacturing facilities, film locations, theaters, incarceration complexes, housing, retail outlets, hotels, as well as many other applications large or small, remote or otherwise.