Borderplex Employment Continues Rebound

In a Garner Economics, LLC report released today, Las Cruces and El Paso were in the top 25% of 372 metro areas nationwide whose employment was rebounding to near pre-recession levels. The Garner report compared the September 2010 employment to the previous five-year...

CEO’s Report – November 2010

MVEDA just completed another successful Business on the Border Luncheon and we are thankful to everyone who had the opportunity to attend. Our guest speaker on Tuesday was Fred Mondragon, the Cabinet Secretary of Economic Development, who shared some economic data on...

Las Cruces Named One of ‘Best-Performing Cities’

Article courtesy of Las Cruces Sun-News By Brook Stockberger LAS CRUCES – The economy may not be great, but compared to other parts of the country, the Las Cruces area has fared well. For the second straight year, the Las Cruces area has been placed in the top...

CEO’s Report – October 2010

MVEDA would like thank everyone who was able to attend Friday’s Regional Economic Development Forum, titled “A Tale of Two Ports.”  Those who attended were able to hear directly from leading experts on both the opportunities and challenges we face in Southern New...

Las Cruces Faring Better Than Most

City makes modest job gain despite the downturn economy Article courtesy of the Las Cruces Bulletin By Gabriel Vasquez Leaving Las Cruces, the economy goes from bad to worse. That was the message delivered by three economics professors at New Mexico State University...