The Mesilla Valley Economic Development Alliance (MVEDA) will hold its annual Regional Economic Development Forum at the Hotel Encanto de Las Cruces on October 8, 2010. This year’s forum, entitled “A Tale of Two Ports” will focus on the economic impact of the Santa Teresa Port of Entry and Spaceport America.
The morning will begin with a presentation by Francisco Uranga, Corporate Vice President for Latin America Operations at Taiwan-based Foxconn, the largest electronic manufacturing services company in the world. He is responsible for government relations, regulations, incentives, tax and duties, legal, customs, immigration, and land and construction issues. From 1998 to 2004, he served as Secretary of Industrial Development for the state government of Chihuahua, Mexico. Mr. Uranga will discuss the impact of Mexico’s largest maquila on cross-border trade through the Santa Teresa Port of Entry (POE). His presentation will be followed by a panel of regional experts in cross-border trade.

Carissa Christensen
Following the Santa Teresa POE discussion, Carissa Christensen, Founder and Managing Partner of The Tauri Group, will discuss the impact of the commercialization of spaceflight activities. The Tauri Group is a 150-person analytic and engineering consulting firm based in Alexandria, Virginia. She is an expert on the economic, market, technology, and policy issues associated with commercial space. Ms. Christensen has led the industry in innovative analysis of demand for space services and technology planning and has published extensively. Her presentation will be followed by a panel who will discuss the long-term economic impacts of Spaceport America.

Dr. Lowell Catlett
Tying it all together will be Dr. Lowell Catlett, nationally known economist, futurist and keynote speaker. Dr. Catlett is a Regent’s Professor/Dean and Chief Administrative Officer at New Mexico State University’s College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences. An exciting futurist, his knowledge of technologies and their implications on the way we will live and work is addressed in his varied and upbeat presentations. Dr. Catlett works on behalf of corporate and association audiences internationally, presenting his take on trends in healthcare, agriculture, the environment, education and more.
The event is sponsored by Gerald Martin Construction and Verde Corporate Realty Services.
Due to space constraints, pre-registration is required. The last day to register is Tuesday, October 5th. Click on the “Registration” button below and return the attached registration form along with your payment of $25.00 per person as noted on the form.